Flappy Bird returns this summer FOR download
Flappy Bird returns this summer FREE
The streets of Chicago talking about a new rising star.
They say it is intelligent, ruthless and determined. They say it will go to any length. They say he has a scared face ...
To prove that they are right! To build your empire contraband. To throw your way through the streets to the upper ranks of the mafia. To crush other families to the best man. Legend in the world of gangsters becomes.
Chicago is not sure yet. The aisles are filled with thugs, gangsters and thugs. Prohibition is the greatest opportunity that this country has seen in a long time, but you must enter before other potential exploitation.
The rise of the street and cocktail circles leading luxury will not be easy. You will need to use all the dirty tricks. Corruption, threats, extortion. For organized. To shorten that are against you. To do what it takes to be able to sit at the table of the mafia head. The path is open, but only for those with true grit.
The ability Mafia destruction of enemy forces can make the biggest gangster of all time. To sink into the melancholy atmosphere of the era of prohibition. To equip Tommy gun and free from damage. Or as they say, to play the piano in Chicago.
- To captivated by the art of iconic graphic black.
- To return to live with the dominant environmental handmade 20s.
- To manage the long-term arsenal, including the legendary Machine Gun Tommy Gun, hunting and fishing Lupara.
- To enjoy the class original music.
- Send to Molotov cocktails, the group asked for help.
- Corrupt officials with alcohol.
- Fight in beautifully looking atmospheres Chicago.
- Battles of the reputation of the street victory.
- For a more fancy dress.
- The top scorer of the city headshot endless road becomes.
- Have mercy on civilians.
To relive the story in a notorious gangster, the great moments of the revolution of jazz and booze. To give his enemies before crashing into pieces. You can leave your mark on history today, but only if you're willing to leave some bodies back.
To take the role of a gangster, hit people, to look at the people, to establish your business and work shown to a head. To Remember, you should never break the Omerta code of honor.
Requires Android O / S: 3.1 +
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